Monday, March 21, 2016


I had such a great time playing with Reese and Jensen and keeping them
entertained so Mom could rest and get acclimated to baby number three.
Above:  Reese got a new make up kit and we had makeovers.  
Doesn't she look beautiful?  I was a little unhappy to discover that it didn't come
off very well.. I had a little extra color for a day or so.

Took the kids to the outlets to shop for some preemie clothes for Quinn.
I'm thinking.... this is Arizona...... so I dressed them in shorts and short sleeved shirts.
Epic fail Gma!!! It was windy and freezing when we got there!!! So I had to buy
Reese a long sleeved shirt and long pants and Jensen just some long pants.
Below:  We had lunch at the outlets and then Reese wondered if we could
go over to the "relaxing place" and just relax for a while.
So that's what they're doing .... relaxing for a while.

Here's Jensen stealing my grapefruit.... 
like he does everytime I come down.  Just licks them and leaves them...

One day we walked over to Burger King and got an ice cream cone,
went to the park and played, and to the dollar store and bought some prizes.
                  Jens was very serious about this ice 
                cream cone eating......This boy is 
After the outlets we went over to a carnival thing they were having
in Anthem.  The kids played on bouncy toys and went down these
huge slides... Neither of them are scared of anything.
It warmed up and I was dying of the heat!! as I chased them all over.
I earned some major Gma points on this outing.  I am 100% certain 
their parents would NEVER have let them stay as long as we did
or put up with their endless energy.

Some of our treasures from the dollar store...
Bubbles (above) and crowns and horns (below)
When they got the horns at the store they both started playing them instantly.
They obnoxiously played them the rest of the time they were in the store.
I am sure it was annoying to many people around.... but I thought it was adorable
so I just let them play.  They paraded around at home blowing them till
it got "not so adorable".... 

Kyle and I went on a bike ride and when we got back I asked Reese
if she wanted to go for a ride with us... She was thrilled.  I loved it!!!
She was so adorable.  Her little legs pedaling to keep up with us as she
explained the finer points of bike riding.... her best tip was..... "you have to keep looking the way you are going. If you look back, you will tip over."
Kyle and I got a chuckle out of her and how proud she was of how well she was 
doing.  We also laughed that people probably thought we were a little overdressed to 
just be going out for a little ride with the kid..... we were in our bike spandex
and Kyle in his clip on shoes etc....
We spent a lot of time at the park.  Jensen never gets tired of
playing in the sand.

Mandy taught me a new way to decorate sugar cookies.
We had a great time.... Made a great mess.

Match day was March 19th.... The big day when Jon found
out which residency program he matched with.  
Both Mandy and Jon were very nervous and excited about finding out.
(Reese wanted to go with them... but she wanted to wear her soccer cleats...
WOW!!!!  She had a melt down to remember on that one!!!!)
Anyway.... Jon was so very excited that he got his FIRST CHOICE!!!
He matched with Phoenix Children's Hospital....
So they will be staying in Arizona for another 3 years.
Reese had a dance recital .... Did a great job.
Jensen liked the hard hats she wore for one of her dances.

Daddy got her flowers....
She really did a great job.  She followed her teacher very carefully.
Has a great sense of rhythm..... inherited it from me... I'm sure :)
We also went to the zoo.... it was incredibly crowded and hot...
But we still had fun.  Thank goodness Kyle was with me.
Between the two of us we were able to keep Jensen reined in.

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