Saturday, March 5, 2016

2016 Quilt Retreat

I love QUILTING......
I cannot call my day complete
Till needle, thread, and fabric meet.

AQ Quilt Retreat 2016 was fun.
Cortnie came with me.  That made it extra special.
I love spending time with her.  Doing something I love to do
with someone I love so much is always a good combination.

We took a class from Carmen Geddes on binding.
I made Dorothy her very own quilt... :)
This is Cortnie's quilt.  She did a great job.  She also made 
several runners and a cute bag for Lexie.  I think she enjoyed
herself.  She is such a great person.  Everyone that met her commented
on how sweet and cute she was.  That's such a great Mommy reward.. 
to have such a great daughter.

I worked all week.... desperately.... frantically....
trying to get this yellow and white quilt done.  It was much more work than I thought it would be.  But I did get all the blocks done.  Now to go home and get it put together.....

Yellow and white blocks done and laid out.... Now to get them all together.
Above on the right is "My Favorite Things"  My first... and last ....all appliqued quilt.
I took a class at AQ for the past year... tons of work and way too many hours to count!!!
Need to get it put together now.... all the appliquéd blocks are done.

Me, at my work station.... 

The potter and author, Ben Behunin came to the retreat to speak to us
and to sell his pottery.  I had read three of his books.... the Isaac Series...
and had really enjoyed them.  I think they were a little bit autobiographical
and I felt like I knew him from reading the books.  He was a really fun guy.
He believes in living outside the box and loves life.  I bought this plate from him.

This picture is totally out of order here.... It is NOT at the retreat.
 But just the day before we left for the retreat, my boss, Lani retired.
Above is Lani Brower, Phyllis Boothe, Deb Rodabaugh, Me, Peggy Wright, Leah Stilson
Lani retired on February 29th and then the next day we went
to the retreat.  She was my table buddy at the retreat.  Love her a ton!
I will really miss her at work.  She has been a good mentor and friend.
Notice the quilt behind us.  It is a signature quilt.  All of the employees that worked 
with Lani signed it.  Turned out super cute.!

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