Sunday, April 23, 2017

MC Tour - Southern Utah - April 2017

The Chorale went on tour to Southern Utah.... Much further south than I have ever been.  We went sight seeing and saw some fun sites.  We performed along the way.  The best concert was at the Fort where many people from the small town of Bluff joined us.  They were very happy to have the concert and you could see the joy it brought them as their faces lit up with the songs.  We sang some fun numbers that were a bit "countrified" more than what we usually sing.  The audience's favorite however was the simple Primary song "A Child's Prayer".  Many eyes were full of tears at the end of that one and the Spirit was strong in the room.  

                                                                   FOUR CORNERS

                                                                   Singing in the park.
           The hotel we stayed in.  Super nice.  There was a small earthquake early in the morning!

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