Monday, December 14, 2015

Choirs... New and Old.....

 I joined MCO.... Millennial Choirs and Orchestra... this year.
It was so good to be singing with Cory Mendenhall again.
He is by far the best musician, conductor and teacher I have
ever had the privilege of singing with.  And I really missed some
of my besties.... like Terrie and Sherrie and Mary (not pictured)
It was like being home again at the first few rehearsals.
 December 14th was our Christmas concert at Abravenel Hall.
It was a long day of rehearsing but the concert went very well.
I was quite sick for over a week before this  and had laryngitis
quite bad.  I prayed very hard for a voice to be able to sing.
I could not sing the high parts, did my best on the rest... 
My ears were plugged too and that made it very difficult!.
I had been sick enough that I had not been able to practice very well 
the two weeks prior to the concert..... so I was
not very prepared... Did not give my best performance.
But it was a great experience.  Looking forward to the spring semester.

Just before our concert our good friend and former Mapleton Chorale 
member, Doug Allsop, passed away from a heart attack.  
In the pictures above and below... the Mapleton Chorale members...
old and new.... reunited and rehearsed to sing at Doug's funeral
under the direction of Cory!  It was a bitter sweet reunion.  
So great to see all of these people that I have loved singing
and associating with and so great to be back at Maple 
Mountain Choir room.... but so terribly sad to loose Doug.
We sang "Have I Done Any Good?" and "Still, Still, Still"
at his wonderful funeral.  Such a good, kind, giving man. 
He will be sorely missed but is happily reunited with his wife 
Brenda who died 5 years ago.  

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