Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas 2015

This is a potpourri of our family Christmas....
No rhyme or reason to their order.....  just a fun collection of the family...
and their fun for the holidays... 
 Reese's letter to Santa and her visit to see him......
She was thrilled.... Jensen not so much!

 Grandpa Shumway invited all of the family to Maddox for a dinner
on December 18th.  It was a great dinner......great food and great 
conversation with Sandy and Scott.... but don't think Gpa's objective
of having all gather as a big family group was achieved.  We are just
too dysfunctional..... But it was good to see everyone at least for a while.
 Some of us went to Gpa's afterward to visit and that was fun.
Scott and Jill's family and Cortnie and Clay's families...
It was good to have that time together...

 Mandy and Jon took the kids to a fun neighborhood in Arizona
where they had fake snow and a great Santa who gave the 
kids a new toy...... Jensen loves his little lamb....
 My Christmas quilt.....  Made this at my Saturday sampler
this past year..... Took all year.... lots of work...
Very proud of it and LOVE it!!
Reesie made this all by herself....   
Reese's gingerbread house.....
 The Bird's got a new puppy for Christmas.... 
Her name is Harper.... Cute little thing....

 The elf at Reese and Jensen's house has
been very bad.....
 This was the snow fall on Christmas morning at my house....
 For two years running we took this picture at Christmas only with Reese
on the left side of the picture. But this year we had no Reesie around...
But LOVE that little miss Gracie was around to take her place.
 Lexie and Gma and their gingerbread house.
Apparently she was very sad that we hadn't made one this
year "because we always make one"... So Clay was generous
enough to give Lexie this kit and we got together and made it.
Lots of fun!
 Ira and Grace at their party at Gpa Jay's ...

I gave Clay's family a ZOO pass for Christmas
and they used it right away.

 More elf antics at the Frisch house....
 Ira won the coloring contest at Clay's work!!!
 The Frisch family Christmas breakfast...... 
 Family party on New Year's Day at Brandon and Miranda's 
new digs.....
 Fun with guitar band in the theatre room....

 Love this little Miss Gracie..... She is a doll!
 A little pool...... 
Quite some time ago while visiting in Arizona..... Reese and I were
in the bathroom getting ready for the day.  She looked at my face in the 
mirror and said "Grandma, what are those lines on your face?"  I told her they 
were wrinkles.  She said, in a very disgusted tone, "well, get them off!"
Oh how I wish I could....
I shared this story with my sweet friend Shirley Lloyd and she got a good
laugh out of it.... So on Christmas she gave me a card and this was
on the envelope..... Gave me a good laugh.
I wish Santa could take my wrinkles away....

It was a good Christmas.... as Christmases go... 
I worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so only 
had a few hours on Christmas morning with the kids.
But I am thankful for all of them and the joy they bring me.

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